IPL Skin Rejuvenation
(Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL skin rejuvenation) also known as The Photofacial, is a type of non-invasive light therapy used to treat a variety of skin concerns. Pulses of specific wavelengths of light are emitted, which penetrate the skin to improve the skin concern.

The light is selectively absorbed by targets (e.g. melanin for pigmentation concerns or haemoglobin for vascular concerns) while simultaneously stimulating collagen synthesis. In simpler terms it is a heat reaction which breaks down melanin, and in turn removes the area of pigment. The additional melanin sheds naturally within a short time to reveal fresh, clear skin.

The target heats up and is destroyed while the surrounding skin is unaffected, allowing selective removal of uneven discolouration by pigmentation and blood vessels. IPL Skin Rejuvenation is also very effective for treating acne-prone skin, it works by destroying the P. acnes bacteria and reducing inflammation. 

Several areas of the body can be treated with IPL Skin Rejuvenation including the face, neck, chest, arms and back of the hands. It improves the overall complexion and texture of the skin leaving it looking younger, more radiant and blemish-free. 

e.g. Pigmentation

e.g. Pigmentation



eg. Acne

eg. Acne


What skin concerns can be treated with IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

  • Pigmentation/age spots

  • Sun damage

  • Freckles

  • Birthmarks

  • Rosacea & Diffuse Redness

  • Red thread veins/Telangiectasia

  • Vascular lesions e.g. Haemangiomas, Cherry angiomas/Cambell de Morgan

  • Acne (P. acnes bacteria destroyed and inflammation reduced)

  • Fine lines and wrinkles/Collagen stimulation

  • Large pore size

  • Poikiloderma of Civatte

  • Dull complexion


When will I see the results?

Although results will be noticeable during the course of your treatment it is vital that the full course advised by your practitioner is completed for the best outcome. A course of 3-6 treatments administered 2-4 weeks apart is required for optimal results.


What treatments can be combined with IPL for superior results?


Microdermabrasion can be combined with IPL skin rejuvenation to maximise and enhance the results. We pre-treat the skin with microdermabrasion to remove dead skin cells, this allows for deeper penetration of the IPL. It is highly recommended for excessively pigmented/sun-damaged or dull skin. Both procedures increase the production of collagen which helps to slow down the ageing process.


A superficial chemical peel can be used to provide important complementary benefits to IPL treatments. Superficial chemical peels provide both epidermal and dermal anti-ageing benefits and can be used to target the surface layers of the skin to eliminate pigmentation, acne, dullness and uneven texture. Chemical peels slough off the superficial layers of the skin allowing for better penetration of the IPL. It is highly recommended for pigmented/sun-damaged, acne-prone or dull skin. Both treatments promote collagen production and new cell growth which helps to slow down the ageing process.


What is the recovery time?

There is minimal to no downtime


What is the cost?

IPL Skin Rejuvenation starts at €80 euro per treatment