Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair Removal

At Skin& we use the Cynosure Elite+ Medical Grade Laser. The Elite+ is a dual-wavelength system with both Alexandrite 755nm and Nd:Yag 1064 wavelengths to safely and effectively treat all skin types for the following skin concerns:

  • Hair removal

  • Ingrown hairs

e.g. Before and After

e.g. Before and After

Medical Laser Hair Removal is the process of hair removal by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. The laser causes localised damage by selectively heating the target (melanin in the hair); the heat then travels down the hair shaft to the hair follicle which is destroyed with minimal effect to the surrounding tissue. Melanin is the chromophore for all hair removal lasers, therefore, light hair types do not respond well to this treatment. Lasers work best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair provide the ideal combination for the best results.


Treatment unsuitable in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

  • Epilepsy

  • Photosensitising medication (e.g. Retinoids, Tetracyclines etc.)

  • Recent sunburn/suntan/exposure to the sun in past 4 weeks


When will I see the results?

Although results will be noticeable during the course of your treatments, it is vital that the full course of 6-8 treatment is adhered to for optimal results. A top-up treatment may be required once a year after the course is completed.


What is the recovery time?

There is minimal to no downtime


What is the cost?

From 40 euro per treatment


How many treatments are required?

A course of 6-8 treatments is required with 6-week intervals between treatments for body hair removal, 4 weekly intervals will suffice for facial hair removal. Hair grows in cycles; the Anagen phase is the growing phase, the Catagen phase is the resting stage and the Telogen phase is the shedding phase. The root needs to be growing in the hair follicle i.e. in the Anagen phase, to achieve permanent, effective results. This is why treatments are administered 6-8 weeks apart, to ensure hair is in the Anagen phase.