Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy

“Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions, from psoriasis to acne to ageing, are the manifestations of your body's internal needs, including its nutritional needs”     Dr. Georgiana Donadio (Practitioner of Whole Person Care)

What we eat can have a dramatic impact on our overall health and there is an undeniable connection between our health and our skin’s appearance. Unhealthy skin is often a symptom of a more complex problem in our bodies.

Research indicates a significant relationship between diet and dermatological conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and pre-maturely ageing skin. Certain foods can trigger and exacerbate these conditions. For example, dairy products and high glycemic foods have been shown to exacerbate acne and high glycemic foods are known to accelerate the signs of ageing through a process called glycation. 

Nutritional therapy, lifestyle interventions and functional testing can influence the course of these skin conditions and serve as one aspect of prevention. 


The Skin& Unique Approach

At Skin& we take a unique, 360-degree approach to skin health. We will carry out an in-depth consultation to examine both the internal and external factors affecting your skin. A tailor-made treatment plan will be devised to target your specific skin health needs. A custom plan could include, for example, a variety of professional in-clinic treatments, personalised nutritional advice, products and supplements and lifestyle interventions deemed necessary to deliver the best outcomes for your skin.

If you think your diet may be affecting your skin please contact us for expert analysis and advice.